all the weird yoga stuff I do

About four years ago, I entered my first yoga class. With no intention and no expectation, my life changed dramatically in those 60 minutes. What I never realized was how much more my life would change in the years following that class.

My husband loves to tease me about all my “yogi” ways. In fact, he recently deemed the chia-flax-spiriluna-etc mix I add into my smoothies the “proprietary hippie blend.” His joking aside, there are definitely some different things I have done since I entered into a regular yoga practice.

I’ve compiled a list of the wildest, and most effective, things that have happened as a result of becoming a yogini.

1. I meditate on all big decisions

Yes, I take some time and allow some space between myself, my thoughts about a decision, and all the parts that play into it. I use my meditation as a way to tap into my intuition, and I ALLOW that to guide me. When I say that I need to think about something, it truly means I need to go sit quietly in the corner – or my car – and breathe. If it doesn’t feel right, I have no problem letting it pass.

2. I think “Mother” cures all

While my mom can ease most of my troubles, the Mother in organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar is definitely a cure-all. Feel a cold coming on? Take a tablespoon in a glass of water a couple times a day. Having acid reflux? Do the same thing. The acid in ACV helps neutralize stomach acid and regulates your second brain, better known as your stomach. Vinegar is also one of the best cleaners you can use, and has many more purposes.

3. I look at the bigger lesson in small things

We can easily say “Don’t sweat the small stuff,” and blow off the same issue time and time again. I believe we will continue to repeat our lesson through life until we learn and move past it. What this has looked like for me is finding the patterns: those same relationships, those same hectic encounters, and the same messy feelings that crop up after someone makes me feel less than. In those moments, I can choose to accept that as reality OR realize that I am creating these situations within myself. Everything stems from your unique perception point, YOU! And until you realize you are a creator in this perception, you will continue with your lessons.

4. I drink a fungus

There, I said it. I brew and ferment a drink called kombucha – which sometimes tastes a lot like apple cider vinegar. It is made of brewed black tea with sugar  that a SCOBY ferments in. The live cultures of the SCOBY feed off the sugar and leave living probiotics that help with gut help.

5. I have no regrets in creating a balanced life

I call in when I need a day off. I say no when I don’t think it would be good for me. I try to bring as much fun in as I can. I let all the emails sit in waiting, while I embrace what’s in front of me. I refuse to run on a treadmill at the gym while my dogs wait in our home. I ALLOW LIFE TO HAPPEN.

6. I have my own proprietary hippie blend

According to my husband. I take a mix of dietary fiber, spirulina, flax, and chia seeds. I mix it into my smoothie that includes an acai blend, soy or almond milk, coconut water, and protein powder… wait, I forgot the handful of power greens salad mix and blueberries. The ultimate hippie smoothie.

7. I drink a lot of weird stuff in mason jars

If it’s not my hippie blend or kombucha, it’s some sort of concoction of super foods in a mason jar with a white plastic lid. Juicing is my favorite.

8. Baking soda is my other cure all

Again, this compound can help cure belly aches, urinary tract infections, and clean your whole house. You can make numerous household cleaners that are toxin-free with sodium bicarbonate.

9. I prefer my own homemade, natural deoderant

It works better, and I stink less. Plus, it doesn’t contain aluminum, which can cause cancer. One of the main ingredients: baking soda. The other two: cornstarch and coconut oil.

10. I prefer whole foods

I have no remorse eating anything whole, sugars included. Growing up in a home where fat was counted alongside calories, I thought Atkins bars were the way to go. The obsession with food, calories, and counting is something that has never fit my personality.

Through my yoga process, I’ve realized that the feelings you create around your food are just as important as what you are putting into your body. My body prefers whole foods, natural sugars, and fermented goods such as sourdough bread, sauerkraut, and cheese. Yoga has helped me realize what my body needs.