saying peace out to people pleasing

One of my greatest friends [ of 20 years and counting ] recently gave me the best advice: “If it doesn’t bring me peace, I don’t do it.” I was baffled when she said it, staring down at her two children [ a newborn and an18-month-old ] while we chatted in the home she and her husband renovated as the …

gratitude journal exposed

1/1/14 how the new year always promises opportunity. it may always be there, but the fog always lifts on the first. 1/2 being married. i always thought it would be restrictive in nature, but all i’ve seen is the freedom and space a loving, nurturing relationship can create. 1/2 the sound of the rain gutters here. the drops sound just …

six months in portland: a reflection

Most of my life I have felt trapped in a Disney scene. You know, the scene from Beauty and the Beast where we see Belle spinning, arms wide open, on top of a French countryside singing “I want adventure in the great wide somewhere, I want it more than I can tell…” 2013 offered me a chance to break free …

what obamacare is missing: the alternative plan

There are many things to argue over the President Obama’s controversial Affordable Care Act, but one thing is almost certain: Obamacare may be overlooking a growing demographic with its plan offerings. Over 38 million Americans seek alternative forms of medicine each year, with a staggering 300+ million visits to practitioners in the acupuncture, chiropractics, and natural health fields. For that …

lessons from my niece

“What do you want to do today, Lex?” I asked my eight-year-old niece last Friday. I was in town visiting for a little sunshine and r&r, and it just so happened my retreat to SoCal coincided with a no school day for her. “Let’s go play Barbies, Auntie,” was her reply. I was expecting a slightly grander response, but I …